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Every vote I make as an elected official matters. Every action or inaction during my tenure as a elected official impacts the elderly, youth, moms, dads, families and every taxpayer in the city. I take the responsibility in that seriously. That's why I am happy to report some of our accomplishments below.

Build safer communities

 -Voted to provide funding for Fire Station #6 that will provide faster response times to District B citizens near Fort Bend Tollway and Highway 6


-Assisted in Set up 24-hour warming center during winter storm

-Helped distribute PPE kits to deal with COVID-19 pandemic

-Helped distribute water during unprecedented winter storm

-Participated in daily press conferences to keep residents up-to-date with critical

information during winter storm crisis

-Successfully testified in Austin on legislation that has been signed by the governor that deals with finally addressing the ever-increasing Group Home issue

-Provided salary adjustments and additional funding for fire and police


-Advocated for bill and testified in Austin to deal with ever-increasing Group Home challenges in District B


-Worked in concert with Missouri City staff and private partners to improve Community Park, Independence Park and Roane Park



fuel business & economic growth

-Worked with developers resulting in increased retail businesses on the Texas Parkway/Cartwright corridor

-Welcomed New Amazon Fulfillment Center with 1 million square feet and 500 to 1,500 new jobs with NO tax incentives or abatements

-Worked with potential regional, national and international developers to consider development opportunities in Missouri City

-Serve on various committees as a member of the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Board of Directors, focusing on ways to save public funds and taxpayer dollars for Missouri City

-Re-elected as a member of the National League of Cities’ Community and Economic Development Federal Advocacy Committee, where I was responsible for helping shape public policy positions that helped cities like Missouri City and counties like Fort Bend County get direct emergency aid through the American Rescue Plan Act-Only member of Missouri City Council who voted to make the redevelopment of Texas Parkway and Cartwright #1 priority


-Actively brought in local, national and international developers to meet with Missouri City staff to discuss development opportunities all across District B, especially Texas Parkway


-Worked with developers to develop and redevelop key locations, such as the former Sonic location being converted into a beautiful new strip center; the former Walgreens on Texas Parkway now being occupied by Family Dollar; two new senior housing projects that have broken ground off of Texas Parkway


-Voted to authorize Missouri City staff to offer incentives to local property owners to improve and enhance their properties in District B, for the benefit of the citizens.

community engagement

-Successfully proposed and established ordinance to establish the FIRST-EVER Ethics Commission in Missouri City


--Successfully proposed and established ordinance to lower signature threshold to give residents ability to make decisions on changing offensive and degrading street names


-Hosted successful virtual “What’s the 411” Town Hall meeting


-Addressed numerous request in street repairs, removal of abandoned structures, non-compliant city signage and much more


-Chair of newly created Texas Parkway/Cartwright Corridor Advisory Committee to work with residents to develop a plan to revitalize the corridor

- Responsible for ensuring critical federal dollars go to residents in CDBG target areas to provide housing rehabilitation, youth scholarships, funds for first-time homebuyers, rental and utilities assistance to address COVID-19, set up a residential paint program, establish a neighborhood clean-up program, a Meals on Wheels for seniors, and much more


-Honored with city proclamations Missouri City residents that make a difference in our city

-Voted to move forward with Veterans Memorial project to honor our veterans. Proud to say that initiative is now complete.


-Allocated millions of federal dollars to residents for housing rehabilitation for needy seniors, student scholarships, park improvements, financial literacy, feeding the elderly and supporting local non-profits.


-Worked with Metro to launch a Community Connector service and fixed route to provide reliable transportation options to all residents.


-Worked in concert with Missouri City staff and private partners to improve Community Park, Independence Park and Roane Park

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